by | Jan 6, 2021 | Content Writing
Ask any marketing company how to build content and you might get a different answer from every one. The fact of the matter is we are all playing the Google game. There are many best practices when it comes to writing for SEO. Search engine optimization helps you...
by Bean Media | Nov 6, 2020 | Advertising, Buffalo SEO Agency, Content Marketing, Design, Digital Marketing, General, News, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media
Business as usual is a phrase many, if not all of us long for lately. When ostensibly everything short of gas stations and grocery stores shut down, we were all caught off guard and flat footed. If you owned a business, fear was probably all that you felt. If you own...
by Bean Media | Jul 27, 2020 | Buffalo SEO Agency, Digital Marketing
No matter what digital marketing agency you work with, there are rules to the game of SEO. These rules can be found throughout the internet, you can summarize and bi-line a contract however you want. Every SEO project is different and requires a different first step...
by Bean Media | Jan 29, 2019 | News, Search Engine Optimization
Google Search Console, Like Riding a Bike Right? Wrong. Google really knows how to keep digital marketers on their toes. If you stepped away from working hands-on with Google services for a a year–hell, even a month– your return would be something like the...