What Local Businesses Need to Know with Local Service Ads Update

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Advertising, Advertising Agency Buffalo NY, Buffalo Beans Business, Digital Advertising Buffalo NY, Digital Marketing Buffalo, Paid Ad Strategy

Hello and welcome back to the Bean Media blog! Today, we’re diving into some exciting updates to Google’s Local Service Ads that, for local businesses like yours in Buffalo, mean a great deal for your ability to connect with customers. At Bean Media Productions, we’re all about using the latest digital tools to get you more visible and growing, and LSAs are huge!.

What Do Buffalo Businesses Need to Know About the LSA Updates?

Local Service Ads have always been a powerful tool for connecting businesses with local customers. The latest updates bring both enhancements and new features that could change the game. So, what are the pros and cons?


  • Enhanced visibility on Google services, including Maps.
  • More control over advertising budgets.
  • Automated systems like lead credits to streamline operations.

All of these together lead to great time savings! You won’t have to file a manual dispute, saving hours of time per month that you can focus on doing what you do best.


  • Adapting to new systems can be challenging.
  • Initial limitations on features like Google Maps integration.

Certain credits are also being discontinued, such as “job type not serviced” and “geo not serviced” leads. Meaning you will no longer get a credit for a lead that is for a service you don’t provide or is outside your area. You will need to ensure your service area, verticals, and job settings are accurately set to make sure you don’t waste dollars advertising to the wrong people. This is where digital marketing agencies come in! Partner with the top digital marketing agency in Buffalo to minimize the potential cons and maximize on the pros of the new Local Service Ads updates.

Understanding these changes is crucial for making the most of your advertising efforts and staying ahead in a competitive market.

Automated Lead Credits: Simplifying Your Ad Experience

One of the standout elements from the most recent update is the Automated Lead Credits. This new system is going to start automatically crediting you back for leads that don’t meet quality thresholds—think spam calls or queries that are simply irrelevant. What does that mean for you? More time focusing on genuine prospects and less time going through poor-quality leads. All the earlier systems were manual; such changes have offered greater freedom and way lesser administration headaches.

Local Services Ads Make Their Way to Google Maps

For the first time, Local Service Ads are going to display directly in the Google Maps iOS app—further increasing visibility for brick-and-mortar stores. If you have a physical location, it means that people looking for ways to navigate Buffalo could have your ad pop up as they search. It could be a good way to get people into stores. But businesses that are service-oriented may not enjoy the same benefits, as of now. This characteristic is under development. In the future, it might benefit all businesses.

Gaining Control Over Ad Spending

For a very long time, budget control has stood out as a serious aspect of undertaking digital advertising. The new settings in LSA let one indicate the most they can spend in a month, hence preventing surprises in the bill. You will now be able to keep the marketing budget in check without so much struggle. This will ensure that you only spend the intended amount, particularly by small to medium-sized enterprises seeking to maximize every dollar they use on marketing.

Navigating LSA Updates with Bean Media Productions

Keeping up with the latest digital marketing tools and trends is crucial, but it can be overwhelming. That’s where Bean Media Productions comes in. As leaders in digital marketing, SEO, graphic design, web design and development, and video production, we’re here to help Buffalo businesses thrive in the digital landscape!

These updates to Local Service Ads are just the tip of the iceberg. Partnering with a knowledgeable marketing agency like ours not only simplifies managing these tools but also ensures that you’re always ahead of the curve. So why go it alone? Reach out to us at Bean Media Productions, and let’s explore how we can make these new LSA features work for you. Find us on our socials, like FaceBook, YouTube, and Instagram!

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